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Reports until 13:18, Friday 01 April 2011
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:18, Friday 01 April 2011 (680)
X-end LN2 dewar vapor pressure increasing
Investigation of a decreasing LLCV %open value resulted in the observation that the X-end LN2 dewar vapor pressure was 43psi ( < 20psi is nominal) -> Discovered that the pressure relief circuit was valved-out! -> Opened valve and boil-off venting was restored. There had been a delivery to this dewar on Tuesday and I assume that the driver closed this valve for some reason?  

Also, backed out economizer valve adjuster 1/4 turn ccw on Y-end LN2 dewar (had been running ~30psi at this dewar). 
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.