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Reports until 11:05, Wednesday 22 March 2023
gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:05, Wednesday 22 March 2023 (68116)
Increased noise in CHARD_Y error signal during thermalization

Craig showed that the ASC signals, including CHARD_Y, get worse during thermalization. In particular, noise above 10 Hz gets much larger.

I looked at bit better at the increased noise in CHARD_Y during thermalization:

  1. it's visible in both REFL_A_45 and REFL_B_45, the two signals that are used to compose CHARD_Y
  2. the same increase is visible in the longitudinal diodes LSC-REFL_A_RF45_I and Q 
  3. the coherence between the WFS and the LSC inphase signal increases with thermalization, so they are seeing the same noise
  4. the transfer function of WFS / LSC is suggestive of a close loop response of a loop with a broad gain peaking at ~5 Hz


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