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Reports until 20:20, Wednesday 19 June 2013
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:20, Wednesday 19 June 2013 - last comment - 18:49, Thursday 20 June 2013(6813)
ODC status update

Following Ryan's recent odc label update, the "damp" ODC bit has been updated for MC1 MC2 MC3 PRM PR2 PR3 ETMY ITMY BS SRM SR2 SR3, and is now properly working (cf exemple on picture attached)

In order to do that, I set every suspensions in their "damped state", and ran the attached bash script to update the "STATE_GOOD" epic value "H1:SUS-${OPTIC}_${MASS}_DAMP_${DOF}_STATE_GOOD", with the "STATE_NOW" epic value "H1:SUS-${OPTIC}_${MASS}_DAMP_${DOF}_STATE_NOW".

The "damp" bit (here, BIT 6 on the picture) is ONLY a function of the filters engaged in the damping filterbank. It won't turn red when a gain is changed for instance.

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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 18:49, Thursday 20 June 2013 (6833)

I updated the safe_snapsots with the recently modified STATE_GOOD epic values

attached are the bash scripts used to update the safe.snap files, and the corresponding changes.

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