Reports until 08:28, Thursday 20 June 2013
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:28, Thursday 20 June 2013 - last comment - 08:35, Friday 21 June 2013(6820)
EX TMS Work Yesterday

(Corey, Virginio)

Continue to build up the Telescope and In-Vac ISC Table assemblies.

Spent time contemplating how to make TMS Assy Loads in ICS.

Topic of humidity came up in the Weekly TMS Meeting came up yesterday---namely the negative effects of humidity on Optic coatings.  We have a Dust Monitor in the Lab, but it isn't "online".  (For a "first Humidity data point", had a humidity of 21% mid-afternoon time yesterday)  In the future, we'll be receiving desicant packs from CIT and will make "Ameristat bags/covers" for our assys with optics and place desicant within these "bags".

Lisa has completed cleaning of all 2" optics which go on the In-Vac Table.  We will gather opto-mechanical hardware for these optics & then transport this to EX.

Continue to add photos of progress here.

Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 08:35, Friday 21 June 2013 (6837)

Actually, want to nullify that "first data point".  I assumed the Dust Monitor was constantly running, but it wasn't.  Once Virginio Started it, this is when we saw humidity levels around ~40%.  Now it's worth noting we have had some rare summer rainstorms for the last few days.