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Reports until 15:36, Tuesday 28 March 2023
daniel.brown@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:36, Tuesday 28 March 2023 - last comment - 20:41, Tuesday 28 March 2023(68215)
ETMX RH change

I have changed the ETMX ring heater to H1:TCS-ETMX_RH_SETUPPERPOWER => 0.5W and H1:TCS-ETMX_RH_SETLOWERPOWER => 0.5W, both from 0.4W. This is to try and gently ring up the 14.7 kHz PI (68165) and see if we can damp it. Can also check if this is a good direction to go in in terms of optical gain and noise couplings.

Comments related to this report
daniel.brown@LIGO.ORG - 20:41, Tuesday 28 March 2023 (68229)

This lock we finally saw one of 14.7kHz PI gently ring up. It appeared briefly around 25 minutes into this lock, but has since reduced.

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