Reports until 12:30, Thursday 30 March 2023
H1 DetChar (DetChar)
ansel.neunzert@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:30, Thursday 30 March 2023 - last comment - 16:54, Tuesday 11 April 2023(68261)
Persistent combs below 300 Hz in recent LHO data

Ansel Neunzert, Kiet Pham

Two comb structures continue to be present in the first 300 Hz. These contaminate many spectral bins, and are currently "most wanted" for CW data quality. Both of these have been noted before; this is an update about their recent changes and clues from DetChar investigations.

~1.6611 Hz comb with a peaked structure around 280 Hz: recently returned

Relevant previous alogs


Known witness channels (same as previously noted): H1:ASC-OMC_A_PIT_OUT_DQ, H1:ASC-OMC_A_YAW_OUT_DQ, H1:ASC-OMC_B_PIT_OUT_DQ , H1:ASC-OMC_B_YAW_OUT_DQ .

Additional notes


~4.9842 Hz comb and related ~9.47-8 Hz combs: recently worsened

Relevant previous alogs


Known witness channels:

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Comments related to this report
ansel.neunzert@LIGO.ORG - 14:55, Thursday 06 April 2023 (68475)

Update, based on discussion with Robert: the 4.98 Hz comb is likely grounding noise. It also appears in H1:PEM-CS_ADC_5_26_2K_OUT_DQ, which is a temporary current clamp. The noted increase aligns reasonably well with this change in the ITMY ESD bias. (Note that change was made in the hopes of reducing noise, but it looks like the comb increased.)

There was an additional bias change yesterday, but we can't easily check the effect since DMT(?) (and related?) issues are currently preventing the generation of longer-duration spectra. We'll have to wait for data to be accessible again and then take a look.

ansel.neunzert@LIGO.ORG - 16:54, Tuesday 11 April 2023 (68603)

We have Fscans again as of yesterday. The 4.98 Hz comb looks it's decreased a bit in strength and is similar to its pre-March 24 level now, but is still clearly present.