Reports until 18:26, Thursday 20 June 2013
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:26, Thursday 20 June 2013 (6832)
ISI-BSC 1 - Some filters installed

After getting some good performance last week on BSC6, more aggressive controllers (feedback - level 2 and Level 3) were installed on BSC1. Feedforward and sensor corrections filters were also implemented but some tuning will be necessary to get the best of these approaches.

I have attached calibrated spectra of stage 2 in the X and Z directions when the ISI is damped and controlled (Damping + Isolation feedback + Sensor correction + feedforward). HEPI at BSC1 is still locked and we can notice the resonance of the pier around 10Hz.
It seems that the sensor correction effect is limited in the Z direction (poor tuning or filters not engaged? – A second measurement will be performed tomorrow).

Images attached to this report