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Reports until 23:58, Thursday 20 June 2013
fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:58, Thursday 20 June 2013 (6834)
Control filters installed on BSC-ISI, BS
Level 2 and level 3 control loops have been designed for the BSC-ISI, BS chamber. Level 3 unity gain frequency is 40 Hz on Stage 1, and 30 Hz on Stage 2, like for the units previously commissioned. 

The loops have been installed along with the sensor correction and feed-forward filters.

I ran a quick measurement, the results are attached. The loops seem to work as they should. We'll take more data and we'll do more analysis tomorrow. We'll also turn on a blend/sensor correction configuration that induces less motion amplification at low frequency.

Like for ITMY, we still have to tune the sensor correction and feed-forward gains as it was done on ETMY.
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