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Reports until 10:38, Friday 07 April 2023
H1 General
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:38, Friday 07 April 2023 (68487)
CO2X steps during 70W lock.

During our 70W lock alog68484, we turned AWG_LINES on and swapped from camera servos to ADS to step CO2 up from 1.7W in to 2.7W at 16:30UTC and slowly back down to nominal both CO2's at 1.7W in with annular.

Dan noted that now we have recentered the CO2 beams (alog68391)  ADS seems less sensitive and can keep up 1W steps up. We used to only do 0.2W requested/ 15 minutes. Squeezing got worse, during the step back down to 1.7W, Nutsinnee adjusted SQZ angle and got SQZ back. 

CO2X only increase from 1.7W in to 2.7W: We are seeing RM2 pointing moving with the CO2X change, this is sensing REFL A and B. See attached. Y-arm power slightly increase, x decreased. No big changes in PRG. 

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