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Reports until 12:14, Friday 07 April 2023
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:14, Friday 07 April 2023 - last comment - 14:36, Friday 07 April 2023(68496)
Fixed Error in DCPD B Whitening Compensation Filter
J. Kissel, H-y. Huang, L. Dartez

While we were perusing and updating the pyDARM parameter file (which lives in pydarm_H1.ini), we were reminded of the error in whitening chassis  compensation of the OMC DCPD B channel of that I (Jeff) installed back in Feb (chassis install LHO:67110), namely, when I installed Louis' fits, from LHO:67114, I errantly copied DCPDA's poles and zeros into both the DCPDA and DCPDB "NewAW" filter banks.

We've now fixed this error in DCPD B compensation, and while we were at it, we increased the precision in the DCPD A compensation.

As such, now, the "NewAW" filters are as they should be based on the "whitening ON" fit results:
    Filter Bank     Module   Name      Design String
    OMC_DCPD_A0     FM2      "NewAW"   zpk([9.902126],[0.996556],1,"n") 
    OMC_DCPD_B0     FM2      "NewAW"   zpk([9.88272],[0.994856],1,"n")

This change has been loaded in and running as of 2023-04-07 19:15 UTC, and the filter file has been committed to the userapps repo under 

Note -- this means we'll need to redo the change in the OMC DCPD SUM and NULL balance matrix, LHO:68403. *sigh*
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 14:36, Friday 07 April 2023 (68510)
OMC DCPD balance has been updated, see LHO:68500
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