Reports until 15:21, Monday 04 April 2011
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:21, Monday 04 April 2011 (685)
dust and jack hammering
I have attached second trends of the .5 micron dust levels in the beer garden alongside the Z axis of the accelerometer installed on HAM6. One is during April 1, 2011 and the other is April 4, 2011. Using the accelerometer as an indication of the time that jack hammering took place, it seems that the initial spike in dust appears a few minutes prior to the beginning of work. This might be attributed to the powering on of the blower. On April 4, 2011, I have indicated the approximate times of when the blower was turned on and off: off at 8:40, on at 10:24 and off at 2:00 PDT.
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