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Reports until 16:31, Friday 07 April 2023
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:31, Friday 07 April 2023 (68514)
Major Update to pydarm_H1.ini pyDARM parameter file
J. Kissel, H-y. Huang

We've poured through the latest version of H1 pyDARM parameter file (pydarm_H1.ini, git hash bcb959d8, whose history of commits can be found here), and updated many of the physical parameter values based on the past several months worth of commissioning. We call out the edits and cite aLOGs as to why the parameters have changed, with a brief note about it below.

The new version of the parameter file with all of these updates has git hash df913213, and the local checkout of this parameter file lives in /ligo/groups/cal/ifo/H1/pydarm_H1.ini.

Parameter                                         Version bcb959d8           Updated Version            aLOG           Notes
---------                                         ----------------           ---------------            ----           -----
model_date                                        2022-01-25                 2022-04-07                 ...            Updating the (inconsequential) date that the model is valid for
start                                             1337550618                 1364935163                 ...            Updating the GPS time after which the model should be valid (even 
                                                                                                                       though it's already out of date, because the parameter set works for 
                                                                                                                       a 60W IFO, and we're pushing the power and TCS tuning further as I 

end                                               1307116818                 1419120018                 ...            As of yet meaningless date somewhere far in the future

coupled_cavity_optical_gain                       3.206e+06 # [ct/m]         3.337e+06 # [ct/m]         LHO:68507      Updated from Jan ~25 2023 50W IFO value to 2023-03-31 60W IFO value

coupled_cavity_pole_frequency                     450.0  # [Hz]              441.18    # [Hz]           LHO:68507      Updated from Jan ~25 2023 50W IFO value to 2023-03-31 60W IFO value

omc_meas_z_whitening_compensated_whiteningon      0.9965 : 0.9948 # [Hz]     0.996556 : 0.994856        LHO:68496      Increased precision of values for S2300003, D2200215-style whitening chassis.
omc_meas_p_whitening_compensated_whiteningon      9.9021 : 9.8827            9.902126 : 9.88272         (see above)      _|_
omc_meas_p_whitening_uncompensated_whiteningon    44500.68 : 44575.08        44818.38 : 44663.81                        - Updated for the S2300003 values
omc_meas_p_whitening_uncompensated_whiteningoff   44500.68 : 44575.08        [intentionally blank]                      - Fixed conceptual error that 44 kHz poles are present when whitening is OFF

super_high_frequency_poles_apparent_delay         2.5e-6, 2.5e-6 # [sec]     2.64e-6, 2.64e-6           LHO:68490      Added additional delay as approximation for 1.1 MHz pole present when OMC DCPD whitening is ON

adc_delay_cycles                                  ...                        5, 5                       LHO:67907      New parameters to account for five 524kHz clock cycle delay in IOP & IPC communication.
adc_clock                                         ...                        524288                     (see above)      _|_

omc_filter_file                                   H1IOPOMC0_1358811617.txt   H1IOPOMC0_1364929770.txt   LHO:68496, LHO:68102    Captures updates to OMC DCPD compensation filters
omc_trans_amplifier_compensation_modules          6 : 6                      1 : 1                      (see above)       |
omc_whitening_compensation_modules_whiteningon    2 : 2                      2 : 2 (yes, the same)                       _|_

balance_matrix                                    1.01039, 0.98961           0.99963, 1.0004            LHO:68500      Updated balance matrix values

uim_NpA                                           1.6222 [N/A]               1.6100 [N/A]               LHO:68507      Updated from June 03 2022 IFO value to 2023-03-31 60W IFO value
                                                  (7.615e-08 [N/ct])         (7.559e-08 [N/ct])                        (Though we didn't really expect the UIM to change, AND the UIM strength doesn't matter)

pum_NpA                                           0.03003 [N/A]              0.03059 [N/A]              (LHO:68507)       Updated from June 03 2022 IFO value to 2023-03-31 60W IFO value
                                                  (6.150e-10 [N/ct])         (6.266e-10 [N/ct])                        (Though we didn't really expect the PUM to change)

tst_NpV2                                          4.669e-11 [N/V^2]          2.583e-11 [N/V^2]          (LHO:68507)       ESD actuation strength reduced because of reduction of bias from
                                                  (4.985e-12 [N/ct])         (9.787e-13 [N/ct])                           372 [V_ESD] to 132 [V_ESD] in Mar 2023, LHO:67698.
actuation_esd_bias_voltage                        -9.3 [V_DAC]               3.3 [V_DAC]                                  (see above, [V_ESD] = 40 [V/V] [V_DAC])

tst_driver_uncompensated_P_UL                     3.213e3, 31.5e3            3.213e3, 31.549e3          LHO:46773       I'm not sure why the precision on the second pole for each of these
tst_driver_uncompensated_P_LL                     3.177e3, 26.7e3            3.177e3, 26.699e3                           was cut off, so I've restored the precision based on the source aLOG
tst_driver_uncompensated_P_UR                     3.279e3, 26.6e3            3.279e3, 26.617e3                             |
tst_driver_uncompensated_P_LR                     3.238e3, 31.6e3            3.238e3, 31.618e3                            _|_

foton_invsensing_tf                               2021-04-17_H1CALCS_InverseSensingFunction_Foton_NewITMY_NoD2N_tf.txt   
                                                                                                        LHO:68507       Updated from Jan ~25 2023 50W IFO value to 2023-03-31 60W IFO value

cal_line_sens_pcal_frequency                      450.03                     410.3                      LHO:68289       Reverted to O3 value. 450.03 was from LHO:66268 failed attempt to increase the frequency.

cal_line_cmp_pcalx_frequency                      450.13                     410.2                      (see above) 
cal_line_cmp_pcaly_frequency                      450.03                     410.3                      (see above)

dac_gain                                          ...                        0.00030517578 # [V/ct]    LHO:67847       New parameters to support the model of the remote DAC
v2a                                               ...                        1e-5 [1/Ohm]                              driven characterization of the OMC DCPD sensing electronics 
ma_a                                              ...                        1000 [mA/A]    
anti_aliasing_rate_string                         ...                        16k                
anti_aliasing_method                              ...                        biquad
analog_anti_aliasing_file                         ...                        L1aa.mat               
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.