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Reports until 10:20, Monday 10 April 2023
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:20, Monday 10 April 2023 (68542)
pyDARM parameter file update: minor correction to Fix of conceptual error about OMC DCPD Whitening chassis 44 kHz poles
J. Kissel, L. Dartez

As I was debriefing Louis about the major changes to the pydarm_H1.ini pyDARM model parameter file (LHO:68514), I caught myself on this line:
Parameter                                         Version bcb959d8           Updated Version            aLOG           Notes
---------                                         ----------------           ---------------            ----           -----
omc_meas_p_whitening_uncompensated_whiteningoff   44500.68 : 44575.08        [intentionally blank]                      - Fixed conceptual error that 44 kHz poles are present when whitening is OFF

Somehow, in the rush of things on Friday, I had convinced myself that these 44 kHz poles were a part of the switchable whitening stage for the D2200215-style OMC DCPD Whitening filter, and thus when the whitening stage is switched OFF, these 44 kHz poles would not be present.

This is incorrect: the 44 kHz poles are a part of the fixed differential receiver stage of the D2200215's D2200044 whitening filter board, present regardless of whether the *actual* switchable whitening stage is ON or OFF..

As such, I've copied the pole values for DCPD A and DCPD B that live in the omc_meas_p_whitening_uncompensated_whiteningon, and the update here is:
Parameter                                         Version df913213           Updated Version            aLOG           Notes
---------                                         ----------------           ---------------            ----           -----
omc_meas_p_whitening_uncompensated_whiteningoff   [intentionally blank]      44818.38 : 44663.81                       - Fixed error in rev df913213; these poles are on regardless of ON vs OFF

This minor fix has been pushed, such that the new version has git hash 83764fcb.
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