Reports until 15:27, Wednesday 12 April 2023
craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:27, Wednesday 12 April 2023 - last comment - 18:39, Wednesday 12 April 2023(68628)
Sideband and carrier power budget from mod depth test on April 10 2023
On April 10, 2023 I ran another mod depth test during a long 78 W input power lock.
I've been doing this to estimate the total IFO carrier reflection, and from that estimate the total IFO losses and arm power.

Recently we've been wondering about what the 9 MHz is doing, since it seems to be decaying rapidly as we power up, similar to O3 but way less bad (alog 68531).
Worse, the PRG and PRCL gain are anticorrelated which makes very little sense.  

This alog is meant to provide a measure of the 9 MHz PRG and reflection.  We can later use these estimates to estimate loss, and how it is changing with thermalization (if we run a mod depth test early in a power-up, or at 2 W).


Power-recycling gains for sidebands and carrier 9 MHz PRG = 55.0 45 MHz PRG = 21.5 Carrier PRG = 43.1 Reflection ratios for sidebands and carrier 9 MHz reflection ratio = 0.194 45 MHz reflection ratio = 0.363 Carrier reflection ratio = 0.060 Thermal state at the time of measurement (1365174767-1365175057) Input power PSL requested input power H1:IMC-PWR_IN_OUT16 : 77.596 W Input power incident on PRM H1:IMC-IM4_TRANS_NSUM_OUT16 : 73.923 W PRG Power recycling gain H1:LSC-PR_GAIN_OUT16 : 42.903 W/W Reflected power LSC REFL A DC power H1:LSC-REFL_A_LF_OUT16 : 8.195 mW LSC REFL B DC power H1:LSC-REFL_B_LF_OUT16 : 8.230 mW Ring Heaters ETMX ring heater upper power H1:TCS-ETMX_RH_UPPERPOWER : 1.365 W ITMX ring heater upper power H1:TCS-ITMX_RH_UPPERPOWER : 0.720 W ETMY ring heater upper power H1:TCS-ETMY_RH_UPPERPOWER : 1.368 W ITMY ring heater upper power H1:TCS-ITMY_RH_UPPERPOWER : 0.000 W CO2s CO2X power monitor H1:TCS-ITMX_CO2_LSRPWR_MTR_OUT16 : 1.686 W CO2Y power monitor H1:TCS-ITMY_CO2_LSRPWR_MTR_OUT16 : 1.698 W


Very briefly, by changing the mod depths you can get the RF power to total DC power ratio incident on a PD. Then, by estimating the LSC POP and REFL diode path efficiency you can estimate how much power was in the IFO at a time, e.g. RF_9_PRG = 9 PRC power / 9 input power = (ratio 9 RF POP diode * total DC power on POP diode / efficiency of PRC to POP path) / (ratio 9 RF input power * total DC input power) I tried using the POP path efficiency from alog 63154, updated for the HAM1 vent changes to be TransPR2 * Trans_M12 = 1.236e-5, but it gave me PRGs that were way too low. So instead I estimated what the the POP path efficiency was by assuming our normal PRG = Total DC PRC / Total DC Input = 42.9 W/W was correct, which set the POP path efficiency to be 1.05e-5. This value was then used to estimate the PRGs for sidebands and carrier. In all, the POP path efficiency was not that far away from what we might have expected. This PRG-based POP path efficiency agrees better with what Peter calculated at 40W full power (alog 62936). analysis code ------------- /ligo/gitcommon/labutils/mod_depth_up_down_test/code/ alogs ----- 1. HAM1 measurements: alog 63510 2. REFL path efficiency calc (from HAM1): alog 66432 3. POP path efficiency single bounce (from before vent): alog 63154 4. M12 replacement during HAM1 vent (trans 54% of what it used to be): alog 63523 5. Keita's summary of replaced HAM1 vent optics: alog 63625 6. Peter's POP path efficiency at full power: alog 62936
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Comments related to this report
koji.arai@LIGO.ORG - 17:14, Wednesday 12 April 2023 (68631)

OK. 9MHz PRG is higher than the carrier PRG as it should be. Then, this explains the anticorrelation between the POP PRCL optical gain and the (carrier) PRG. The mechanism of the POP PRCL optical gain depends on the finesse (aka PRG) difference of the carrier and the sidebands like PRG*PRG9*(PRG-PRG9).
It is in fact described in Kiwamu/DSigg document T1500325 as attached.

POP45 and REFL are supposed to have different dependence to PRCL compared to POP9, but these are already assigned to other DOFs, except for REFL45. REFL45 and REFL9 are expected to be similar. As REFL9 is strongly squished by CARM so large part of REFL45 is also expected to be squished...?

REFL AIR 3f (27MHz e.g.) might be useful just to avoid a singular moment for POP9, but this requires to open the beam diverter for REFLAIR.

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koji.arai@LIGO.ORG - 18:39, Wednesday 12 April 2023 (68633)

Craig pointed out that in fact T1500325 has a formula (attached) to show how POP behaves when REFL is strongly squished by CARM.
In the formula, only r_sm, the SRMI reflectivity for the 9MHz sidebands, is negative.
So POP9 still has the signal cancellation, but the condition is different from the above.

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