Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 14:00, Monday 24 June 2013
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:00, Monday 24 June 2013 (6866)
HAM Status


Here is the current status of the aLIGO SEI work regarding the HAM chambers. Everything in bold is to be completed for HIFO-Y. Everything in red is a change from last week's status. Everything in green is available.


·         HAM 1

o    HEPI unlocked and running
      Ongoing commissioing

·         HAM2

o   ISI: previously commissioned with HEPI locked (recent performance spectra), currently unlocked, in vacuum

o   HEPI: to be commissioned, currently locked, models and electronics ready. Commissioning could start once HEPI is unlocked.

·         HAM 3

o   ISI: previously commissioned with HEPI locked (recent performance spectra), currently unlocked, in vacuum

o   HEPI: To be commissioned, currently locked, model and electronics ready. Commissioning could start once HEPI is unlocked.

·         HAM 4 

o   ISI: In chamber, Previously tested during assembly validation, currently locked, no suspension installed, in-vac cables not connected, chamber temporarily closed.
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables 90%
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

o   HEPI: Currently locked, to be commissioned
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables 90%
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

·         HAM 5

o   ISI: In Chamber, Previously tested during assembly validation, currently locked, no suspension installed, in-vac cables not connected, chamber temporarily closed.         
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables 90%
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

o   HEPI: Currently locked, to be commissioned     
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables 90%   
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.


·         HAM 6

o   ISI: in a container. Need to be retrofitted with aLIGO censors (GS13, CPS) and to receive a new set of Actuator Cables. Cables and inertial sensors will be tested prior to installation. All this will happen chamber-side prior to installation in chamber. Commissioning will follow.
    Electronics and cables started, the rest is ordered.
    Simulink Model was created.
    Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.


o   HEPI: Currently locked, to be commissioned
     Electronics ready, in-rack cables 90%
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.