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Reports until 15:34, Monday 17 April 2023
gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:34, Monday 17 April 2023 - last comment - 19:01, Monday 17 April 2023(68746)
Ring Heater Change

Elenna, Evan, Gabriele

We're starting from Dan's observations summarized in 68664 and comments:

So to match the two peaks, we would need to change the RH differentially by 0.4 W each:

At about 2:38pm local time we move ETMX and ETY RH by HALF of the above step, to see if we're going in a good direction. Now ETMX is set to 1.5 W and ETMY is set to 0.8 W

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Comments related to this report
elenna.capote@LIGO.ORG - 19:01, Monday 17 April 2023 (68755)

We have had two locklosses from the 80.3 kHz PI, however just based on the high frequency DARM spectrum it appears that we are going in the correct direction. I have increased ETMX to 1.7 W and decreased ETMY to 0.6 W as we previous decided.

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