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Reports until 12:05, Tuesday 25 June 2013
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:05, Tuesday 25 June 2013 (6883)
TMSY ODC Bit Label Fixed

The TMTS_MASTER.mdl has long had an error whereby the slow channel giving the text label for BIT4 of the ODC word was called H1:SUS-TMSY_ODC_BIT6 or the like. This caused the text field opposite BIT4 in the SUS_CUST_TMTS_ODC.adl screen to show white.

I fixed the master model and rebuilt and restarted h1sustmsy. I also manually edited the safe.snap file, changing _BIT6 to _BIT4, and confirmed that the old BIT6 value was being correctly applied to BIT4 on a BURT restore.

I committed the new master model and the new safe.snap file. Although the change didn't involve any channels being written to disk, David Barker restarted the DAQ as a precaution.

LLO should also apply this fix. Any scripts that initialize the ODC bit labels should be rewritten to no longer work around the error.

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