Reports until 22:27, Wednesday 19 April 2023
louis.dartez@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:27, Wednesday 19 April 2023 (68856)
updated calibration
J. Kissel, L. Dartez

I updated the calibration using pydarm export to push CALCS filter changes and EPICS records for TDCF calculations. The TDCF EPICS records pushed include the new _exact_ TDCF channels that Aaron Viets is testing out. In short, H1:CAL-DELTAL_EXTERNAL_DQ is calibrated to within 3% of H1:CAL-PCALY_RX_PD_OUT_DQ in magnitude up to about 450Hz (see syserr.png). However, we've negatively affected the GDS pipeline (see below) and we still need to debug the calculation of the TDCF channels, which are not producing sensible results (see tdep_ndscope.png). 

GDS Pipeline

This calibration has introduced a non-physical effect in the GDS pipeline (see darm.png), pointing to an issue with one of the new filter settings pushed today. I'm leaving the calibration up for now since it's decent in CAL-DELTAL_EXTERNAL / the control room. I'm going to be interfacing with the cal group to improve the GDS pipeline calibration and push new settings ASAP.

Pcal demods

I cleared out the Pcal demods since the phase correction they are meant for is taken care of in pyDARM (through calcs.compute_epics_records(endstation=False, exact=True)), see (tdep_pca_demods.png). I've also attached a screenshot of the relevant CALCS filterbanks (filter_after_cal.png), showing that I've cleared the previous fudges. A screenshot of the SDF changes for this calibration update are also attached. The latest pyDARM report, which informed this cal update is attached as a pdf (see H1_calibration_report_20230420T014029Z.pdf).
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