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Reports until 14:03, Tuesday 25 April 2023
H1 CAL (CAL, CDS, ISC, OpsInfo)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:03, Tuesday 25 April 2023 (68999)
CAL CS Model Changes Installed; Improved / Updated MEDM User Interface
J. Kissel, D. Barker

This morning, Dave pushed through the install of the updates we inherited for the corner station calibration front-end model h1calcs from LLO in prep for O4 -- see Dave's install aLOG LHO:69003, my interpretation of what we've got in LHO:68961 and the original source aLOG LLO:64213.

In parallel, I imported the updates to the MEDM screens (also mentioned in LLO:64213), but had a touch time following what was going on and craved a better user interface. As such, this aLOG covers my updates to the MEDM screens, specifically and only

which is now accompanied by three new screens which consolidate and group the all the various DEMODs into new middle-subordinate screens,

I also made minor updates to 

to better clarify the new function of the "opposite reference" PCAL choice.

In the attached screenshots you can see
    - CAL_CS_TDEP_OVERVIEW before vs. after
    - Now in the upper left corner of the CAL_CS_TDEP_OVERVIEW, the minor update to CAL_CS_TDEP_PCAL_REFCHOICE before vs. after
    - Now in the lower left side of CAL_CS_TDEP_OVERVIEW, the new big buttons (which are links) to the newly clustered DEMOD screens,
And now, perhaps most importantly on the CAL_CS_TDEP_OVERVIEW are the reports of the magnitude and phase of the DELTAL_EXTERNAL / (OPPOSITE REF) PCAL transfer function, which will be live readbacks of the current systematic error in the calibration.

Stay tuned for more details once I *fill in* this infrastructure and make it functional.
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