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Reports until 14:12, Tuesday 25 April 2023
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:12, Tuesday 25 April 2023 - last comment - 14:28, Tuesday 25 April 2023(69000)
BSC model update today

Much like the HAM-ISI update from last week, the BSC-ISI got their O4 update. The majority of this was for the blend fader infrastructure, meaning now all of the different installed blend filters are being continuously computed, and we just "fade" from the current blend to the next blend. This means that we no longer have to do the old dance of waiting for 2 different filter turn on transients, and blend filter changes will now take 7 seconds (kind of arbitrary right now, it can be changed by changing an guardian variable, which controls an epics value), instead of previous 1-2 minutes.

There hasn't been much testing of the 7 second blend changes yet, but while TJ and Tony were doing initial alignment we changed the ETMX St1 node to 3 or 4 different configurations and back and didn't see any change in the X arm ALS controls. If that holds up, the whole earthquake transition will now take 30seconds total, and be limited by the ramp time of the sensor correction mode change.

There are a couple new screens, more or less copied from the HAMs, updated from what I posted last week. The overview also has a different name temporarily, but looks the same while I work with Huyen to get her ready to update LLO models.

First attached screen shot is the new blend screen for Stage1. The blends can be changed manually here by clicking engage, or changing the "Next Blend" epics variable. I don't like having the engage buttons here, it's possible to turn on an empty blend path and trip the ISI, they might go away. The engaged blend filter is highlighted with a dark green box, a dark blue box will appear around a blend that is being ramped to. The little read and yellow boxes on either side of the blend name banks indicate the inputs and outputs for each bank, and there is a little green bar that lights up if the gain of that filter bank is =1. So a blend that uses the CPS, T240 and L4C for stage 1 there should be 6 yellow boxes and 3 little green bars. I also want to add some status lights to indicate that filter modules are actually engaged.

The second screen is the filter banks for one blend. No a lot new here, but you can see that this blend uses all 3 sensors, inputs, filter modules, gain and outputs are all engaged, so this blend is ready to be used. All of the unpopulated blends have been left off.

There are also 2 sensor versions of these screen for the Stage 2. We don't normally change the Stage 2 blends though. 

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jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 14:28, Tuesday 25 April 2023 (69004)

TJ has updated all the guardian nodes, we've done a fair amount of test of the switching. I've also init'd and accepted all the new channels in SDF, but we won't be monitoring the NEXT_CHAN channel that guardian changes for blend changes. 

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