Reports until 09:56, Wednesday 26 April 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:56, Wednesday 26 April 2023 (69032)
TCS settings for the start of ER15
TCS Settings at the start of ER15  X - Arm  Y - Arm
NLN CO2 (when PSL input > 25W) 1.7W 1.7W
DOWN CO2 (when unlocked and when PSL input <  25W) 0W 0W
ITM Ring Heaters 0.44W/seg 0W
ETM Ring Heaters  1.3W/seg 1.2W/seg

Bumping the conclusion from Elenna's alog 69027: the decision was made for now to revert the CO2X annular change to the previous setting of 1.7W (common with CO2Y) to be stable for long locks. The 4W CO2X settings looks promising and should be revisited when we have time to retune ASC. 

I bumped CO2X from 1.6W to 1.7W this morning while we were at TRANSITION_FROM_ETMX. The setting was slightly off. X = 1.15, Y = 1.1 requested is nominal. 60W TCS settings  changes are listed in alog 68491, I haven't yet made an equivalent for 76W TCS settings.