Reports until 18:14, Friday 28 June 2013
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:14, Friday 28 June 2013 - last comment - 11:48, Monday 01 July 2013(6926)
More SUS screen cleanup

I did a lot of refining of the SUS-AUX screens I created the other day in alog 6893, as well as the SITEMAP and related SUS screens:

* I created argument macro files for the new screens and adjusted the SITEMAP to use them: susauxham2_overview_macro.txt, susauxham34_overview_macro.txt, susauxham56_overview_macro.txt, susauxex_overview_macro.txt and susauxey_overview_macro.txt.

* While I was at it, I created macro files for BSTST and the IM overview: susbstst_overview_macro.txt and susimall_overview_macro.txt. (The text for BSTST that I transferred from SITEMAP lacked assignments for UTF1 etc, leading to whiteness on the screens, so I copied the ones for BS. This may well be wrong and the BSTST and QUADTST files need to be checked against the H2 circuit diagram.)

* I edited the SITEMAP, the screens created the other day, and linked screens several deep, to call linked screens via macro files: SUS_AUX_HAM2_OVERVIEW.adl, SUS_AUX_HAM34_OVERVIEW.adl, SUS_AUX_HAM56_OVERVIEW.adl, SUS_AUX_EX_OVERVIEW.adl and SUS_AUX_EY_OVERVIEW.adl, quad/SUS_AUX_QUAD_OVERVIEW.adl, bsfm/SUS_CUST_BSFM_MONITOR_OVERVIEW.adl, hxts/SUS_CUST_HXTS_MONITOR_OVERVIEW.adl, omcs/SUS_CUST_OMCS_MONITOR_OVERVIEW.adl and tmts/SUS_AUX_TMTS_OVERVIEW.adl.

Every call from the SITEMAP should now look like (viewing the .adl file in a text editor)


        args="%(read $(USERAPPS)/sus/common/medm/susauxey_overview_macro.txt),USERAPPS=$(USERAPPS),SITE=LHO,site=lho,IFO=H1,ifo=h1"

and every call from another screen should look like

        args="%(read $(USERAPPS)/sus/common/medm/susmc1_overview_macro.txt),USERAPPS=$(USERAPPS),SITE=$(SITE),site=$(site),IFO=$(IFO),ifo=$(ifo)"

* I cleaned LLO-specific and apparently unused cruft out of the individual IM macro files: susim1_overview_macro.txt, susim2_overview_macro.txt, susim3_overview_macro.txt and susim4_overview_macro.txt.

* I made generic an LLO-specific call to SUS_CUST_QUAD_OVERVIEW in SUS_AUX_QUAD_OVERVIEW.

* I added a button from bsfm/SUS_CUST_BSFM_MONITOR_OVERVIEW.adl to SUS_CUST_BSFM_OVERVIEW.adl, as for QUAD, TMTS and OMCS. I looked at doing the same for hxts/SUS_CUST_HXTS_MONITOR_OVERVIEW.adl but came up against the problem that it would have to point to different screens depending on the suspension type (HSTS/HLTS).

All the above changes were committed to the SVN. I was careful to make all new stuff generic, so if LLO svn up's the lot it _shouldn't_ break anything. However there were a few isolated LLO-specific references that I weeded out, so care will be required. Odds will be better if the LLO SITEMAP uses the idiom illustrated above.

Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 11:48, Monday 01 July 2013 (6937)

I proofed susbstst_overview_macro.txt and susquadtst_overview_macro.txt.

The quadtst one was mostly right but had one typo (one case of RRT should have been URRT), leading to two white fields on the R0 subscreen.

The U* arguments that I added to the bstst file on Friday were all wrong, but I the equivalent ones without U (for the IOP rather than user model) were correct, so I was easily able to adapt them.

I committed the corrected files.