J. Kissel ECR E2300125 IIET Ticket 27801 WP 11166 In support of the model changes that were prepped yesterday (LHO:69226) and installed today (LHO:69251), I've updated the MEDM screens /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/cal/common/medm/ CAL_CS_TDEP_OVERVIEW.adl CAL_CS_TDEP_OPPREF_PCAL_DEMOD_OVERVIEW.adl CAL_CS_TDEP_REF_PCAL_DEMOD_OVERVIEW.adl CAL_CS_TDEP_SUS_ACT_DEMOD_OVERVIEW.adl CAL_CS_TDEP_PCAL_LINE.adl CAL_CS_TDEP_SUS_LINE.adl and committed them to the svn. See attached screenshots of the new screens. You'll maybe gather a better understanding of what's changed if you head to the model prep aLOG, LHO:69226, but in short: - (5th shot) There's now two new EPICs records that house the modeled amplitude uncertainty for the PCAL (e.g. I've now installed 0.0028 for "0.28% 1-sigma" reported in G2300471), Channels: H1:CAL-CS_TDEP_REF_PCAL_AMP_RELUNC and H1:CAL-CS_TDEP_OPP_REF_PCAL_AMP_RELUNC - (1st shot) The (DELTAL / PCAL) systematic error transfer function measurement shows phase in degrees now, and has an associated uncertainty. Channel Examples: H1:CAL-CS_TDEP_PCAL_LINE2_SYSERROR_MAG_MPM, H1:CAL-CS_TDEP_PCAL_LINE2_SYSERROR_PHA_DEG, and H1:CAL-CS_TDEP_PCAL_LINE2_SYSERROR_MAG_MPM_UNC. - (2nd shot) The (DELTAL / PCAL) transfer function now goes through the same gated running median (GRM) process as the subtraction output did before it gets feed into the PCAL_CORR / DELTAL_CORR complex divide. Further, there's now a quadrature sum of the modeled PCAL amplitude error and the measurement, coherence-based uncertainty and that result is converted into an uncertainty in magnitude and phase. Channel Examples: H1:CAL-CS_TDEP_PCAL_LINE3_SYSERROR_UNC_RAD, H1:CAL-CS_TDEP_PCAL_LINE3_SYSERROR_MAG_MPM_UNC, and H1:CAL-CS_TDEP_PCAL_LINE3_SYSERROR_PHA_DEG_UNC - (3rd shot) The (DELTAL / SUS) transfer function portion is now much more accurately depicted. That transfer function also now passes through a gated running median process, and has an associated answer, but no additional uncertainty beyond the coherence-based measurement uncertainty. Channel Examples: H1:CAL-CS_TDEP_SUS_LINE2_DELTALOVERSUS_MAG_RATIO and H1:CAL-CS_TDEP_SUS_LINE2_DELTALOVERSUS_PHA_DEG - (4th shot) There's now a dedicated screen for the libraried version of the gated-running-median process (noteably different in annoyingly subtle ways from the older TDCF version).