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Reports until 16:36, Thursday 04 May 2023
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:36, Thursday 04 May 2023 (69331)
Change of strategy for Pcal XY comparison line and one calibration systematic error line

JoeB, DriptaB, RickS

After a lengthy discussion on the Pcal call today, we have developed a revised plan for realizing the Pcal XY comparison.

In a nutshell, it is to:
a) drive the X-end systematic error Pcal line at 283.91 Hz  with an ampliutude (sin only) of approximately 10 x the current amplitude (200 cts -> 2000 cts)
b) drive a Y-end Pcal XY comparison line at 284.01 Hz (0.1 Hz higher) with similar amplitude (in DARM).  This should require about 1430 cts.

LLO plans to implement a similar scheme.  This should enable calculation of the Pcal XY comparison factor with sufficient SNR.

We plan to hold off implementing this scheme until tomorrow to avoid overlap with other ongoing calibration-related work and to allow some time for further discussion.



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