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Reports until 16:01, Monday 01 July 2013
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:01, Monday 01 July 2013 (6941)
HAM6 eLIGO ISI Ready-ish for chamberside checkout

MitchR, JimW

The eLIGO HAM6 is now podded, cps-ed and mostly ready for chamber side check-out. We still have some odds and ends to get class B (ribbon cables  and bnc connectors to connect in-air cables to in-vac) and a GS-13 to repair some threads on, but we should be able to cable up and get spectra by the end of the day tomorrow. After that, walls go back on and we can start getting ready to drop it into the chamber.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.