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Reports until 19:51, Monday 01 July 2013
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:51, Monday 01 July 2013 - last comment - 12:45, Tuesday 02 July 2013(6949)
5h VCO drift plot
Here are plots of the long term drift of the arm offset frequency (as measured my H1:ASC-Y_TR_A_NSUM_OUT), and the 3 relevant VCO frequencies. All curves are calibrated in Hz IR.

Between 1600sec and 2000sec we manually moved the ALS-C_COMM_VCO_FREQUENCY to the next fringe and back.
The alignment was tweaked up between 2600sec and 2800sec.

Traces, top:
 - Blue: IR transmitted light, calibrated in Hz using zpk([81.9545+i*81.9529;81.9545-i*81.9529],[850;850],0.656,"n")
 - Bright green: Green light transmitted (arb. units)
Traces, bottom (note that the scale is 1000x bigger):
 - Green: ALS-Y_VCO
 - Gold: IMC-VCO

- For 3h the IR frequency offset was well predicted by the ALS-C_COMM_VCO - I don't what happened at about 11000sec.
- To epics channel precision the IMC-VCO cancels out ALS-Y_VCO exactly (actually, I'd expect the difference to be equal to ALS-C_COMM_VCO, but they are too noisy to tell)
- The alignment tweak at 1600sec to 2000sec changed the offset by about 50Hz.
- A typical RMS over 10min is about 12Hz, dominated by VCO motion.
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Comments related to this report
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 12:45, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6961)
I should have mentioned the calibration required to get IR Hz:
ALS-C_COMM_VCO: x0.5 (green light conversion)
ALS-Y_VCO:      x0.5 (green light conversion)
IMC-VCO:        x2.0 (double-pass)

All calibrations also include a large offset to get the numbers down to ~100Hz to be plot-able.
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