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Reports until 22:27, Monday 01 July 2013
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:27, Monday 01 July 2013 (6952)
PSL turned back on

[Michael R, Sheila, Kiwamu]

Turning the PSL on

 It was found that the PSL had been off since the early morning of this Saturday. It seemed that the NPRO got shut down for some reason and this let the interlock trip. This morning we went to the PSL and turned it back on. It came back smoothly without any issues as far as the frontend and HPO are concerned.

PMC alignment:

  However later the beam pointing to the PMC was found to be misaligned in yaw resulting in a low transmitted light of about 17 W. It is still unclear why and how it got misaligned. Michael tweaked the two steering mirrors that are right in front of the PMC injection port to recover the alignment. The PMC trans came back to about 23.5 W which is almost as good as that in the last week. The alignment was done with the alignment ramp technique where we excited the PZT and minimized a 1st order higher order mode instead of maximizing the 0th mode (Gaussian mode).

Refcav degrading:

 Apart from the PMC, the alignment for the refcav seems steadily degrading. See the attached 14 days trend of the refcav transmitted light. The transmitted light used to be approximately 2.5 V about 2 weeks ago and since then it kept dropping until today. From the reflection CCD it was obvious that the beam is too low in the view (though this could be some sort of local misalignment independently of the refcav alignment issue). Since we don't have a REFL_DC diode hooked up to an ADC we are not sure what is happening to the total beam power sent to the refcav. The ALS fiber, which is in the down stream of the refcav, still seemed getting a  workable amount of the light and therefore we left the refcav as it is for today. As of now the end Y station receives a fiber light of 0.004 mW in ALS-Y_FIBR_TRANC_DC_POWER. We definitely need to go back investigate and fix this alignment issue at some point.

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