Reports until 15:13, Tuesday 02 July 2013
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:13, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6963)
Reconfigure h1fw1 raw minute data
Cyrus, Dave, Jim

WP #4011

Attached a new SSD RAID to h1fw1.  This RAID is to be used for storage of raw minute data that was formerly written to the SATAboy hard drive array.  Reconfigured the h1fw1 daqd to write raw minute data to /trend/minute_raw instead of /frames/trend/minute_raw.  Reconfigured h1nds1 to read raw minute data from both /frames/trend/minute_raw and /trend/minute_raw.  The raw minute data in /frames/trend/minute_raw is now in two subdirectories of /frames/trend/minute_raw, and is considered archive data while still being available for viewing via h1nds1.

Note that frame files written to /frames/full, /frames/trend/minute, and /frames/trend/second are not affected by this change.