Reports until 11:15, Thursday 18 May 2023
rahul.kumar@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:15, Thursday 18 May 2023 (69726)
OMC top to top transfer function measurement results (functionality test after SD & RT OSEM were found to be not working)

Last Tuesday during maintenance time I took transfer function measurements on SUS OMC to check it's health and functionality after SD & RT OSEM were found to be not working - see LHO alog 69500 for details. The TF results for all six dof are shown in the plots here. I think they look healthy and functional (I have compared it against last 3 years of measurements).

There is some cross-coupling seen in Roll dof (coming from Vertical dof) and Yaw dof (coming from Pitch dof) however Jeff Kissel believes they should be nicely damped when the damping loops are ON. The magnitude for Pitch dof has also dropped by a factor of four (from 2020 data, orange line) - is that a cause of concern for us?. I would also like to mention that during this measurement I got the coil driver state wrong (analog low pass was left ON, for double stage suspension like OMC LP should be OFF while taking TF) and secondly the coherence wasn't great (was getting saturations in DAQ output and I tried my best in the limited time to optimized the excitation amplitude). I am also attaching individual OSEM data below.

The templates are stored at the following location,



The above measurements were taken with a bw of 0.03Hz. All the nominal settings were restored after the measurements were done.

Non-image files attached to this report