Reports until 01:06, Wednesday 03 July 2013
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:06, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6973)
HIFOY : characterization of the ALS CARM control and etc

[Daniel, Stefan, Kiwamu]

 For some reason we frequently failed handing the MC control off to the ALS CARM signal this time around. We checked several things to make sure we are back to the configuration we were in the past Friday. Also we aligned the in-vac picomotors to center the infrared beams on their trans QPDs on TMSY.

Also we took a new noise spectrum without the RGA pump running nearby HAM3, the noise spectrum didn't show a big improvement at around 60-70 Hz in which we thought it would improve.


Besides we did the following things :