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Reports until 09:21, Wednesday 03 July 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:21, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6974)
WBSC6/10-EndY HEPI Pump Servo Restarted with New database & medm control

re WPs 4012 & 3884, I brought down & restarted the HEPI Pump Station Pressure maintenance servo yesterday.  I am working on an operations manual but for now know that the FWD button inside the Pump Station Control Panel has been hardwired and the Pump will respond as the Medm directs as soon as the Green start button is pressed on the PS Control panel.  This is only needed in the case of a Power Outage or Reservoir Level trip.

Anyway, attached are the old (boring) and the new (ever so exciting) control medms.  I snapped the EndX screen but EndY looks the same.  In general, the operator needs to do nothing with this system.  If anything takes the pressure down, the bottom line is to make sure the output of the medm or the Setpoint is zero'd before pushing the green start button on the Pump Station Controller.  The output or setpoint is then slowly ramped up(a few psi at a time) by the operator (could/should be automated) to minimize any great shakes of the HEPI/ISI/Optics in chamber.

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