Reports until 16:11, Friday 19 May 2023
LHO General
ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:11, Friday 19 May 2023 (69751)
Ops Day Shift Summary

TITLE: 05/19 Day Shift: 15:00-23:00 UTC (08:00-16:00 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 127Mpc

IFO set to relock prior to my shift; NLN reached @ 15:02 and Observation Intent Bit set to OBSERVE @ 15:27

Lockloss @ 17:31 from PI mode 29 ringup. This is a mode we have not had success damping in the past, but recently has not been an issue. I went to lower the OMC whitening to give it some room, but I was too late.

Upon trying to relock, we discovered the ALS beatnotes were very poor (-16 COMM and -19 DIFF). After a discussion with Sheila and TJ, I ultimately moved PR3 by 1.6 µrad to see improvement in the beatnotes and reran initial alignment. Relocking after this went smoothly; NLN reached @ 19:38, Observing @ 20:02

We dropped Observing for about a minute at 20:28 from the CO2 X laser on ITMX losing lock and having to reacquire using the TCS_ITMX_CO2 guardian, creating SDF diffs. Before I could take a screenshot, the diffs cleared themselves and we were able to return to Observing.


Start Time System Name Location Lazer_Haz Task Time End
13:19 ifo Jenne home n locking 15:28
16:31 VAC Janos. Jordan MY - Picking up pump 17:01
17:01 VAC Janos, Jordan CP1 - Pumping CP1 17:42
17:45 VAC Janos, Gerardo LVEA - Untrip breaker 18:31
17:45 PEM Robert EX - Troubleshoot magnetometer 18:31
20:35 FAC Randy EY - Pick up tool 21:09
21:10 PEM Robert EY - Troubleshoot chiller pumps 21:52