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Reports until 12:02, Wednesday 03 July 2013
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:02, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6979)
EX TMS Work Yesterday (Tues)

(Andres, Corey, G2, Jeff, Keita)

Upper Mass Suspension

Andres, Jeff, & G2 delivered their Upper Mass Suspension from the Staging Bldg to the EX TMS Lab.  It was a tight fit & a shuffle to move the Upper Mass In A Box in the TMS Lab, but we were able to get the Box & Genie positioned under the Bosch Frame.  These guys will stay here for a while...

This is because there is an issue with the Blade Springs for the Upper Mass.  As it was built the springs are too stiff so it would be hard to have a double pendelum.  The solution for this is to re-machine the Angle Bases for the springs (and possibly add a little more weight).  The Bases are being machined today (Wed), and should be in an Oven today for baking over the long weekend.  Once they are Class-A, the SUS crew will need to swap them out (as a cartridge).  This will be done from the "ground" or with the Upper Mass "in the air" clamped to the Bosch Frame.


Telescope work is on hold due to ugly mirrors.  It has been confirmed by Garilynn at CIT that the 6" Alignment Mirror from LHO is an acceptable mirror.  It is currently en route back to LHO (to be received today or Monday).  Once we have it, procedures for cleaning this optic are next (tbd offline).  Once we have this mirror is cleaned, we can finally begin alignment of these mirrors.  


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