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Reports until 12:03, Tuesday 23 May 2023
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:03, Tuesday 23 May 2023 - last comment - 13:55, Tuesday 23 May 2023(69835)
J. Kissel, T. Shaffer, J. Warner

8 seconds after re-isolating the platform from today's Dolphin crash, H1ISIETMY ST2 WD Tripped.
Currently identifying and debugging the problem...
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 12:51, Tuesday 23 May 2023 (69841)CDS
As a result of the end-station dolphin crash (LHO:69832), it became apparent that all of the settings from the new-ish blend filter fader system (LHO:69000) were lost because those newish channels were not initialized in that model's safe.snap.

Once we restored those settings by hand, we 
   - went to FULLY_ISOLATED to confirm that the platform was functional again
   - went to ISI_OFFLINE_HEPI_ON in order to bring the platform to its "just restarted the computer" safe state.
   - Initialized, monitored, and accepted all the new settings.

We're not sure how this got missed, and Jim swears he did so those few weeks ago.
We'll investigate further as to the history, but the platform is now functional. 

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:55, Tuesday 23 May 2023 (69846)
The card replacement that caused this front-end crash is documented in LHO:69843.
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