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Reports until 16:58, Wednesday 03 July 2013
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:58, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6984)
TMS-X Status
   The TMS-X suspension is mounted on the Bosch frame at End-X and the dummy mass table is suspended. The table is hanging almost level with no adjustments. The Upper Mass blades look to be in their correct position. The Upper Mass is still in stops, so we won't get a good read on how things are really hanging until the Upper Mass is leveled and suspended. This will be one of the first agenda items for next week.

  No real issues were encountered during the installation of the Upper Structure or with suspending the dummy mass table. The dummy table may be a bit low, but we will not know until we take some measurements.

  The Genie is parked under the dummy mass table as a safety stop during the long weekend. 
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