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Reports until 13:43, Friday 05 July 2013
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:43, Friday 05 July 2013 - last comment - 17:08, Saturday 06 July 2013(6988)
Green sidebands

Yesterday we found a rather large contamination in the corner ALS COMM signal. There is highly non-stationary line around 24.5 MHz. Suspecting this maight be the green RF sidebands that are leaking through, we went to EY to look for their exact location. Measuring the transfer function from the FIBR servo to the PDH error signal, we were unable to identify the sidebands. Next, we took a close look at the notch feature which marks the first FSR. It is located at FSR = 37.4658 kHz with an uncertainty of 0.1Hz. The 3 dB points (down from the flat part) are at 37.426 kHz and 37.506 kHz, 80 Hz wide.

The cavity length then becomes FSR / 2 / c = 4000.88 m.

The RF frequency is f_M = 24.515730 MHz. Dividing by the FSR we get
f_M / FSR = 654.350, or in other words the sidebands ar expected at 0.35* FSR =  13.113 kHz +/- 0.065 kHz.

Looking again at the full sweep and zooming in near 13.1kHz we indeed see a tiny feature in the phase plot around 13.188 kHz. It moves to 12.868 kHz when the RF sidebanda frequency is lowered by 300 Hz.

The only other features in the sweep which are clearly identifyable are at 17.739 kHz and 19.731 kHz symmetrically around half the FSR. These are most likely the second order modes. Dividing 17.739 kHz by 2 we get a corresponding mode spacing of 8.87 kHz. For OAT the mode spacing was measured at 8.92 kHz with a different ITM at a different position.

Comments related to this report
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 23:14, Friday 05 July 2013 (6989)
(Daniel, Stefan)

The spurious frequency we observed at the corner beat node is 24.5025 MHz. This is inconsistent with the end station pdh signal.

This signal fluctuates between -25dBc and -8dBc  (-55dBm to -38dBm, with the beat node sitting at -30dBm).

We left a Minicircuit 50MHz high pass in that line - this fixed the glitches in the PFD.
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 17:08, Saturday 06 July 2013 (6992)

If the spurious signal is a modulation on either the green cavity beam or the corner SHG beam, its modulation would show up symmetrically around the beat node at 78.92 MHz. Meaning the observed line at 24.5025 MHz would corrspond to an offset of 54.4175 Mhz. Or, 27.2088 Mhz, if starts on the 1064 nm beam.

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