Reports until 18:22, Friday 26 May 2023
H1 SEI (OpsInfo)
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:22, Friday 26 May 2023 - last comment - 19:57, Friday 26 May 2023(69955)
Bad blends causing HAM RZ alignment shift, RZ CPS residual test added to DIAG_MAIN to monitor

Jeff wrote the more detailed alog of the problems with the interferometer and how we tried to track down the issue, but short version, I installed a bad blend filter that has been causing an offset to accumulate in the ISI RZ locations for all of the HAMs, except HAM8. The accumulations take about 2 weeks to reach 1 urad levels. I designed the filter for HAM8 and it has been running there with no problems since last year, so I installed on HAM4-5 on Dec 11 last year, and March 15 on HAM2-3 this year. Unfortunately, there are some issues with the foton implementation, either because I missed some cleanup in the filter or because I got bit by some issue with writing the filters from Matlab to the foton file. Attached screenshot shows some of the zpk coefficients from Foton. There are 3 poles at, or near 0hz, and there are two negative zeros at 10^-6 hz. I certainly didn't use those in my design in matlab, but I guess I missed a step or two in cleaning up the filters before install. I think I've got a fix for that now, but will wait for Tuesday to try. They shouldn't accumulate much offset over the long weekend.

I've also added a test to DIAG_MAIN, to warn if the errant integration reaches 1urad on any of the HAM chambers. This should take 2 weeks or more at the current rate, but if any of the HAMs reach 1urad offset, DIAG_MAIN will report:

"ISI {} RZ CPS residual bad"


The test in DIAG_MAIN is:

    """HAM RZ residual test

    chambers = ['HAM2', 'HAM3','HAM4', 'HAM5', 'HAM6', 'HAM7','HAM8']
    bscs = chambers
    tots = []
    for chamber in bscs:
        if ezca['ISI-' + chamber +'_CPS_RZ_RESIDUALMON'] > 1000:
    if tots:
        yield "ISI {} RZ CPS  residual bad".format(tots)

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jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 19:57, Friday 26 May 2023 (69956)

Also, it's clear to me after thinking about this a bit, if we need to "reset" this, we don't need to restart the ISI like we did this afternoon. It will be sufficient to turn off the RZ isolation loop, push the "clear history" buttons on the RZ blend filters, wait 20 or so seconds for the filters to settle, then turn the RZ loop back on.