Reports until 17:27, Tuesday 09 July 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:27, Tuesday 09 July 2013 (7031)
Maintenance Summary

Tuesday CDS Maintenance Summary

EX front ends (DB,MB,VL,HP):

we started the first version of the following models at EX: h1susetmx, h1sustmsx,h1susauxex,h1susitmx. These were added to the DAQ and the DAQ was restarted.


The h1susitmx and h1susauxh56 models were started for the first time. They was added to the DAQ and the DAQ was restarted.

Beckhoff EDCU channels (DS,DB):

The latest Beckhoff INI files for the DAQ EDCU were added to the DAQ and the DAQ was restarted.

LDAS QFS maintenance (DM):

Dan performed maintenance on the LDAS QFS system in the LSB, this causes some restarts of h1fw0.

Front End Filter coefiicient loading (JB,DB):

All front ends with partial filter module loads were reloaded to ensure all modules were updated. A problem with the h1susbstst filter file was fixed by Jim and restarted.

Hourly autoburt backup (DB,JB):

This system stopped working after the epics upgrade to U12.04. It was reset back to the earlier version of EPICS and is now working again. Some out-of-date autoBurt.req files are causing problems with this system and are being worked.

New ASC LSC models (MB.DB):

First versions of the h1asctt and h1omc models were built and installed. They were added to the DAQ and the DAQ was restarted.

MSR temperature EDCU (DB):

The Beckhoff readout of the MSR temperature was added to the EDCU and the DAQ was, you guessed it, restarted.


Modified to show all the new models which have been added today.