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Reports until 17:19, Thursday 15 June 2023
elenna.capote@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:19, Thursday 15 June 2023 - last comment - 09:19, Wednesday 21 June 2023(70497)
60W configuration Notes

Here is a list of the things we need to change to return as closely as possible to a desirable 60W configuration.

If you are looking for a timestamp to determine when the power change occurred, the last full lock at 60W was on April 6 from about 17:00 UTC to April 7 3:30 UTC.

Comments related to this report
elenna.capote@LIGO.ORG - 09:35, Friday 16 June 2023 (70519)

Under LSC controls, I claimed that we should revert the PRCL loop design, however Gabriele reminded me that the new PRCL design has better suppression, see alog 68817. We should keep this new design, but we should still determine how/if we need to change the gain to ensure the loop UGF is around 30 Hz.

Under LSC feedforward, I forgot to mention that we did not run with PRCL feedforward at 60W, so we can turn that back off at 60W.

I have also recovered the old MICH FF filter that was in FM9, called "May_d". At 60W, we will need to engage FM6-9. labeled May a-d.

elenna.capote@LIGO.ORG - 15:51, Friday 16 June 2023 (70530)

We will need to update the violin mode threshhold checker. The counts value for the DARM offset was hard coded, and will be different at 60W. This value will only need to change if we change the DARM offset.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 14:24, Tuesday 20 June 2023 (70622)AOS, CAL, DetChar, ISC, OpsInfo, SUS, SYS
Tagging a lot of the teams who will either need to be involved in these changes, or at least be impacted by these changes when/while we revert.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 14:31, Tuesday 20 June 2023 (70623)CAL, ISC, SYS
J. Kissel, J. Driggers, N. Aritomi, S. Dwyer

Just FYI I brought up the open question in Elenna's aLOG about 
    DARM offset: 20 mA, not sure if we want to revert this value

The quick consensus (without agreeing to write it in stone) is that we "plan" to *not* revert the DARM offset, leaving us with 40 mA of current on the DCPDs, as has been the case since May 05 2023 (see LHO:69358).
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 08:31, Wednesday 21 June 2023 (70650)
J. Kissel, J. Driggers, S. Dwyer

Regarding the following setting suggestions in this bullet point,
    SRCL offset: we had been running with an offset of -175. 
    This was also with the previous LSC-POP_RF45 whitening at 21 dB. 
    We could revert the whitening change as well if we think it's better 
    for noise considerations

The plan is to *definitely* go to the -175 ct SRCL offset, however -- upon discussion this morning -- we've decided *not* to revert the reduction in POP A RF45 whitening gain from +21 dB to +15 dB. Said with all positives to avoid confusion, we'll continue to reduce the gain to +15 dB rather than revert to +21 dB.

We think
    - the extra ADC range head room is nice, 
    - the sacrifice in SRCL / PRCL sensing noise is minimal, and/or has minimal impact***
    - for now, today, when we power down, we want to change as little as is need to achieve stability, rather than revert absolutely everything.

***One may find the assessment of the noise impact in LHO:69350.
elenna.capote@LIGO.ORG - 09:19, Wednesday 21 June 2023 (70661)
I forgot to include this in this alog, but the CSOFT P gain should probably be reduced to 20 again. This was a change made late last week.
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