Reports until 11:21, Wednesday 21 June 2023
madeline.wade@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:21, Wednesday 21 June 2023 - last comment - 06:56, Friday 18 August 2023(70666)
Tool for plotting calibration systematic error line transfer function measurements with uncertainty estimate

[M. Wade, L. Wade]

The CalMonitor git repository contains a tool that can be used to plot the systematic error line transfer function measurements (see aLOG 69285) alongside a given calibration uncertainty estimate.  This tool has been used to plot the transfer function of PCAL/GDS-CALIB_STRAIN at each line frequency alongside the uncertainty estimate, but it can now also be used to plot the transfer function of PCAL/CAL-DELTAL_EXTERNAL_DQ (which is the inverse of what is computed in the front-end channels referenced in aLOG 69285) as well.  

In order to plot the transfer function of PCAL/CAL-DELTAL_EXTERNAL_DQ alongside an uncertainty estimate, you will need access to the data via NDS, which can be obtained on any of the LDAS machines.  The script for producing the plot is called calunc_consistency_monitor and can be run with the following command line:

$ python /path/to/calmonitor/bin/calunc_consistency_monitor --cal-consistency-config /path/to/calmonitor/config/calunc_consistency_configs_CALCS_H1.ini --start-time GPSSTARTTIME --end-time GPSENDTIME --uncertainty-file /path/to/file/uncertaintyfile.txt --output-dir /path/to/output/directory

In order to plot the transfer function of PCAL/GDS-CALIB_STRAIN alongside an uncertainty estimate, you will need access to the data stored in InfluxDB on the respective site clusters.  Please reach out to Maddie if you would like to know how to obtain these credentials.  The command for producing this plot is:

$ python /path/to/calmonitor/bin/calunc_consistency_monitor --scald-config /path/to/calmonitor/config/scald_config.yml --cal-consistency-config /path/to/calmonitor/config/calunc_consistency_configs_H1.ini --start-time GPSSTARTTIME --end-time GPSENDTIME --uncertainty-file /path/to/file/uncertaintyfile.txt --output-dir /path/to/file/uncertaintyfile.txt

The IFO environment variable must be set outside of the launching of the script.  This can be done with

$ export IFO=H1

The config files in the git repository referenced above (GDS strain config file and CALCS strain config file) have configuration set to only include transfer function measurements at a given line frequency when the uncertainty of the measurements, as derived from the coherence, is less than 2%.

The script will write a plot to the specified output directory with the filename convention uncertinaty_consistency_check_GPSSTARTTIME_GPSENDTIME_STRAINCHANNLENAME.png.  Attached are plots for the PCAL/STRAIN transfer function measurements at the systematic error lines for both the CAL-DELTAL_EXTERNAL_DQ strain channel, with corrections applied, and the GDS-CALIB_STRAIN channel for GPS times 1371391575-1371395175, alongside the uncertainty budget found in calibration_uncertainty_H1_1371405027.txt.

The shaded dots on top of the uncertainy envelope are the transfer function meausrements at each measured line frequency.  If the dots are colored red, this indicates that less than 68% of the measurements lay inside of the 68% confidence interval for this time period.  If the dots are colored green, this indicates that at least 68% of the measurements lay inside of the 68% confidence interval for this time period.

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Comments related to this report
madeline.wade@LIGO.ORG - 06:56, Friday 18 August 2023 (72312)

Just fixing a typo in the above alog for the records.  Corrected lines below:

In order to plot the transfer function of PCAL/GDS-CALIB_STRAIN alongside an uncertainty estimate, you will need access to the data stored in InfluxDB on the respective site clusters.  Please reach out to Maddie if you would like to know how to obtain these credentials.  The command for producing this plot is:

$ python /path/to/calmonitor/bin/calunc_consistency_monitor --scald-config /path/to/calmonitor/config/scald_config.yml --cal-consistency-config /path/to/calmonitor/config/calunc_consistency_configs_H1.ini --start-time GPSSTARTTIME --end-time GPSENDTIME --uncertainty-file /path/to/file/uncertaintyfile.txt --output-dir /path/to/file/output/directory