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Reports until 14:19, Wednesday 21 June 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:19, Wednesday 21 June 2023 - last comment - 14:57, Wednesday 21 June 2023(70683)
Sensing Function Calibration Measurements started at 21:10UTC

Followed TakingCalibrationMeasurements wiki for the third sensing function measurement of the day, #1 and #2 on 70671 and 70677. SRCL detuning back at -175 counts 70681.

State of the IFO medm just before these started attached.

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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 14:57, Wednesday 21 June 2023 (70685)

Report saved in /ligo/groups/cal/H1/reports/20230621T211522Z/H1_calibration_report_20230621T211522Z.pdf and attached.

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