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Reports until 15:47, Wednesday 21 June 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:47, Wednesday 21 June 2023 (70686)
SQZ OPO trans power increase and ASQZ data taken

Using Sheila and Vicky's instructions in 70050, Naoki and I increased the OPO trans power setpoint, opo_grTrans_setpoint_uW in sqzparams.py, from 75 to 85uW​​​​. This increased our ~1000Hz SQZ BLRMs to ~ 4dB. Re-tuned OPO temperature and SQZ angle. 

Some more quiet data after some taken this morning 70668:

There is 15dB between FDS and ASQZ and between NoSQZ and SQZ we've can see 3dB squeezing at 350Hz and 3.7dB at 1000Hz. DTT attached.
IFO range is currently ~132Mpc with FDS and 115Mpc with No SQZ. See attached.
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