Reports until 16:16, Friday 12 July 2013
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Friday 12 July 2013 (7069)
Opt Shift Summary
Laser Safe
Alarms: CDs, and Dust #9

09:00 Continuous dust alarms on DM #9 (HAM2/3). Inform Patrick T.
09:03 Patrick T. move dust monitor #15 to HAM5/6 cleanroom
09:15 Kyle R. install and torque bolts on HAM1 east and west doors
10:00 John W. & Kyle R. close GV-5
10:05 Apollo crew craning ISI install fixtures and BSC repair arm over X-Arm
12:12 Dave B. Recycle H1OAF
12:45 Filiberto C. pulling cables at HAM1, 2, 3
13:45 Cory G. Working on ISC tables in East bay
14:40 John W open GV-5
14:35 Alexa S. to End-Y
15:58 Hugh P. and Dave B. recycle DAC to add HAM ISI channels