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Reports until 17:03, Monday 26 June 2023
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:03, Monday 26 June 2023 - last comment - 00:41, Tuesday 27 June 2023(70835)
script to change DARM offset and set OM2 heater

I've adapted Camilla's script for squeezer measurements for a measurement that we plan to do early in the morning before the maintence window.  

The test will chop the DARM offset up and down twice, sitting for a minute at each DARM offset.  Once it has finished it should set the DARM offset back to the original value and then set the OM2 ring heater to maximum.  The DARM offset step will be an SDF difference that will take us out of observing, after the steps are done (by 5:05 am) we should be able to go back to observing, but will have to unmonitor or accept the OM2 setting. The script will then wait 2 hours an repeat the DARM offset changes at 7am.  

The script is attached here, and at /ligo/home/sheila.dwyer/OMC/script_to_move_DARM_offset_move_TSAMS.py

to run it: python script_move_DARM_offset_move_TSAMS.py -s  1371902418 where the gps time is the start time. This script is already running on ZOTWS17.

For the owl shift operator (Corey), all that you should need to do is wait for the script to run, then when it finishes at around 5:05, accept the SDF difference for H1:AWC-OM2_TSAMS_POWER_SET.  At a few minutes after 7 am it will again change the DARM offset and kick us out of observing. 

I caused a lockloss from 2W DC readout testing this script, because the DARM offset value I used there was too extreme.  Sorry!

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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 00:41, Tuesday 27 June 2023 (70843)CDS

Tagging CDS, please do not restart zotws17 until this script has finished runnning.

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