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Reports until 15:02, Monday 15 July 2013
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:02, Monday 15 July 2013 (7085)
ITMX, ETMX, TMSX additional setup

New models for ITMX, ETMX and TMSY were built and started a while back (alog 7031), but today I finished setup of filter files and safe.snap files.

I had previously adapted safe.snap files in userapps by adapting the corresponding Y-arm files but today I updated them by restoring all the OSEM gains and offsets to nominal values of 1 and -15000, and reverting the disabled matrix elements in ETMX L2 OSEMINF (inherited from Chris Wipf's workaround for a weak OSEM on ETMy).

They had not previously been symlinked (and thus had not taken effect) so I created links to them from the target area.

I created filter files by adapting the corresponding Y-arm files in userapps. Then I created symlinks to them from chans:

I then committed all the new files.

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