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Reports until 16:09, Tuesday 27 June 2023
LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:09, Tuesday 27 June 2023 (70863)
Ops Day Shift Summary

TITLE: 06/27 Day Shift: 15:00-23:00 UTC (08:00-16:00 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 142Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY: Maintenance day. Recovery was straight forward and hands off, aside from some automation testing (DRMI/PRMI less waiting, even shorter power up times). We've been in and out of observing breifly for a SQZ issue and then a timing port difference. Locked for 2+ hours

Start Time System Name Location Lazer_Haz Task Time End
14:19 COMM Craig Remote N Moddepth up-down test 14:21
14:26 CAL Camilla CR N BB Calibration Measurement 14:30
14:31 PEM Camilla CR N Measurementts 14:53
14:32 FAC Bubba LVEA N Plugging in 14:48
14:56 FAC Karen, Kim LVEA N Technical Cleaning 16:24
15:16 Property Christina, Nicole LVEA n Property hunt 17:37
15:17 FAC Tyler LVEA n Grab a part 15:27
15:27 FAC/VAC Tyler, Bubba MX - Retrieve Hepta pump 17:14
15:38 CDS/SEI Fil EX n Cabling for HEPI controller 17:43
16:21 SEI Jim EX n Check on power cord status 18:21
16:22 - Jeff, Elenna, Amber LVEA n LVEA tours 17:57
16:24 FAC Karen, Kim FCES n Tech clean 17:24
16:33 VAC Janos LVEA n Looking for parts 16:53
16:34 ISC Daniel CR n OMC single bounce meas 19:34
16:45 CDS Marc, Fernando CER n ITMY baffle pd chassis inspection 17:56
16:48 VAC Travis EX, EY n Install fittings on Hepta 18:53
16:53 VAC Janos Outbuildings n Inventory and labels 18:53
17:04 Contractor Pepsi OSB n Removing vending machine 19:04
17:15 FAC/CDS Patrick remote n FMCS channel changes 18:15
17:32 VAC Norco CS n LN2 fill 19:32
17:44 CDS Fil EY n Clean up cables, temperature sensor 18:29
18:25 SAF Betsy LVEA YES Laser hazard transition 18:32
18:25 SQZ Daniel LVEA YES SQZT0 pictures 18:42
18:26 ISC Jenne, Jason CR n ISS measurement, higher input power 18:32
18:32 CDS Fil, Sheila, Betsy LVEA YES OMC camera swap 19:02
18:33 VAC Gerardo, Jordan LVEA, EX - Grab wrench, then go to EX 19:18
19:38 ISC Jenne, Jason LVEA n ISS measurement at rack 19:58
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