Reports until 17:48, Monday 15 July 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:48, Monday 15 July 2013 (7093)
DAQ is close to its maximum number of channels

By adding the new PEM channels to H1PEML0 we exceeded the DAQ hard coded limit of 250,000 channels. This limit applies to the sum of Fast Channels, Slow Channels and Test Points.

For a short while this afternoon I removed h1peml0 from the DAQ to allow it to run. I then wrote a script to calculate how many channels we have in the DAQ sans-h1peml0, it is 249,461. Initially I  hand edited H1PEML0.ini, put back in the H1:PEM-CS_ACC channels (there are 37 of these) and added h1peml0 back into the DAQ. The DAQ channel total was now precariously close to the limit at 249,990 (only 10 spare).

We then removed the SUS BS test stand front end from the DAQ and put PEM back in its entirety. The channel total is now 246,254 giving a 4k buffer.

We will work tomorrow on extending this limit as part of the DAQ upgrade to fix the channel status word in the frame.