Reports until 09:18, Thursday 29 June 2023
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:18, Thursday 29 June 2023 (70944)
PSL FSS RefCav Remote Alignment Tweak

TJ noticed the RefCav TPD was down around 0.83V this morning.  It's been hanging out around 0.9V, so it dropped over the last couple of days.  During relocking there were some issues at ALS, so to be on the safe side TJ asked me to tweak the RefCav beam alignment.  I was only able to get the TPD up to ~0.85V, so not much of an improvement (a whole 0.02V...).  This is an indication that we'll have to go into the enclosure to manually tweak the FSS path beam alignment on the PSL table, likely during the next maintenance window (July 11) or sooner if it becomes a problem (i.e. TPD continues to drop).  Will monitor.