thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:51, Thursday 29 June 2023 - last comment - 13:13, Thursday 29 June 2023(70945)
Back to low noise, but damping violins
We've made it back to low noise but we are waiting to damp violins further before changing our OMC whitening. Not sure why the violin modes were rung up so bad from this lockloss.
Comments related to this report
rahul.kumar@LIGO.ORG - 11:06, Thursday 29 June 2023 (70946)SUS
Nominal settings for the violin modes seems to be working, although the rung up are coming down very slowly.
Lost lock to a PI 24, damping isn't on while we were in OMC_WHITENING waiting for violins to damp.