Reports until 20:42, Monday 15 July 2013
H1 General
robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:42, Monday 15 July 2013 (7096)
PSL tweaking, now running in science mode

Today we went into the PSL because the reference cavity was no longer locking. The main problem was that the autolocker range was not large enough to find the resonance. In addition to fixing this, we tweaked the alignment into the reference cavity and into the PMC. We also tweaked the ISS, and Rick wanted to note that it was surprising that the REFSIGNAL went from about -2.0 to about -2.5. Additionally we experimented and found that the makeup air needs to be shut off before it can be reduced below 100%. And finally, we put the cover on the PMC to reduce index of refraction noise. The PSL is now running with the internal fans off, the AC off, and the makeup air at 20%.

Rick, Sheila, Robert